The movie Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood is based on a novel by Rebecca Wells. It revolves around the complicated mother-daughter relationship of Sidda and Vivi, played by Sandra Bullock and Ellen Burstyn. Sidda is a successful playwright who is about to get married, while Vivi is a stubborn and overbearing mother who never fully appreciated Sidda's achievements.

After a particularly heated argument, Sidda receives a scrapbook from the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, a group of lifelong friends of Vivi, that details their wild and rebellious youth. They had given themselves the name "Ya-Ya" which means "divine women" according to a Native American mythology. Through the scrapbook, Sidda starts to understand who her mother truly is and why she behaves the way she does.

With the help of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood - Teensy, Caro and Necie - Sidda learns about her mother's secrets, her tragic past, and her own fears and insecurities. The women reminisce about their childhood, filled with pranks, drinking, and sticky dilemmas, and bond with the young Sidda, who finally grasps why her mother behaves the way she does. The Ya-Ya’s discover that they have the ability to bring these two people closer together, reconciling their differences and healing old wounds.

As mother and daughter slowly begin to repair their relationship, Sidda's wedding draws near, and the Ya-Ya’s lend their support to ensure that their friend's daughter's big day is everything she wants it to be. Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood is a heartwarming tale about the power of friendship, forgiveness, and family.

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