In the documentary film Divide In Concord, director Kris Kaczor follows the story of Jean Hill, an elderly resident of Concord, Massachusetts, who becomes a fierce advocate for a ban on the sale of bottled drinking water in her town. Hill believes that reducing the use of plastic water bottles will help protect the environment and reduce waste, and she launches a petition to convince the town to take action.

However, Hill faces opposition from many residents who see the ban as an attack on personal freedom and choice. A group called "Americans for Responsible Solutions" hires a PR firm to fight against the proposed ban, and the town becomes divided over the issue.

The film explores the conflict between those who want to protect the environment and those who prioritize individual rights and the free market. It also delves into the impact of the bottled water industry on the environment and the ways in which corporations influence public opinion and government policy.

Despite the opposition, Hill and her supporters continue to push for the ban, and the town ultimately votes in favor of it. The ban goes into effect in 2013, making Concord the first town in the United States to prohibit the sale of bottled water in small containers.

Divide In Concord is a thought-provoking film that highlights the power of individual activism and the complexities of environmental issues in modern society. It raises important questions about consumerism, waste, and the role of government in protecting the environment.

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