Disaster Zone: Volcano in New York is a disaster movie directed by Robert Lee and released in 2006. The movie revolves around a team of scientists who conduct an illegal experiment to create a new source of energy by drilling and tapping the Earth's core. However, their experiment goes horribly wrong and they inadvertently open a previously unknown magma reserve directly under Manhattan.

As a result, several volcanic eruptions occur, and Manhattan is engulfed in a massive ash cloud. The city is soon declared a disaster zone, and emergency services are dispatched to evacuate the residents. A team of scientists, led by Dr. Matt Reeves (played by Costas Mandylor), is tasked with finding a way to stop the eruptions and prevent a catastrophic event.

The team soon discovers that the magma reserve is connected to an underground river system. They devise a plan to redirect the magma flow to the river and cool it down with seawater. However, their plan is complicated by a wealthy businessman who wants to harness the volcanic energy for his own selfish gains.

As the pressure builds up and the eruptions become more frequent and intense, the team races against time to save the city from a catastrophic disaster. The movie reaches a thrilling finale as the team must brave the raging volcano to complete their mission and prevent a catastrophic event.

Overall, Disaster Zone: Volcano in New York is an action-packed disaster movie that combines suspense, drama, and special effects to create a thrilling and entertaining experience for viewers.

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