The terrorist operation in Dirty War is a coordinated attack involving dirty bombs, which are devices that combine conventional explosives with radioactive materials, resulting in not only explosive damage but also the dispersal of radioactive particles. The attack is intended to create chaos and destruction in London, and the perpetrators are a cell of Islamic extremists.

The film focuses on the government response to the attack, particularly the efforts of the intelligence and law enforcement agencies to prevent further attacks and track down the perpetrators. It also explores the impact of the attack on the city and its people, including emergency responders, medical personnel, and the general public.

Throughout the film, there is a tension between the need for effective counterterrorism measures and the desire to protect civil liberties and avoid a panic. The anti-terrorist branch is portrayed as struggling to balance these concerns while facing mounting public pressure and political scrutiny.

The film ends with a haunting sequence of empty streets and buildings, suggesting the lasting impact of the attack on the city and its inhabitants. Overall, Dirty War is a sobering exploration of the realities of modern terrorism and its consequences.

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