The imprisoned ex-US Special forces operative, Mike Riggins (played by Dolph Lundgren), is approached by a mysterious woman named Madalina (played by Gina May) with an offer: if he rescues an American woman named Ana Gale (played by Michaela McAllister) from the clutches of a warlord named Curro (played by Bashar Rahal), he can finally regain his freedom and receive a hefty sum of money. Riggins, who is desperate to get out of prison, agrees to undertake the mission.

Riggins sets off for Eastern Europe and manages to infiltrate Curro's heavily fortified compound. He successfully frees Ana Gale, but things quickly take a turn for the worse when he discovers that nearly everything he was told about the situation was a lie. Ana isn't actually an innocent victim – she is actually a CIA agent who was working undercover with Curro to uncover a terrorist plot. Now that she has been rescued, Curro will stop at nothing to get her back.

Riggins finds himself in the middle of a deadly game of cat and mouse. He must use all of his training and skills to keep Ana safe and to stay one step ahead of Curro's highly trained henchmen. Along the way, Riggins also discovers a conspiracy involving corrupt government officials and a dangerous nuclear weapon, and he must navigate this complex web of deception if he has any hope of surviving.

Direct Contact is an action-packed thriller that sees Lundgren in top form as a tough, no-nonsense hero. The movie features plenty of explosive fight scenes and high-speed chase sequences, as well as some unexpected twists and turns in the plot. Fans of classic action movies will definitely want to check out this exciting adventure.

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