Die Hart is a comedy-action series produced by Quibi, starring Kevin Hart, John Travolta, Nathalie Emmanuel, Josh Hartnett, Jean Reno, and Famke Janssen. The show follows a fictionalized version of Kevin Hart, who’s tired of playing comical roles and aims to become a serious action film star. To make his dream come true, he enrolls himself in an action school run by Ron Wilcox (John Travolta), a Hollywood legend who trained some of the most famous action stars.

Despite his small size and limited physical abilities, Kevin tries his best to prove to Ron that he’s the next big thing in action movies. He goes through rigorous training and intense combat simulations while dealing with his own personal insecurities and self-doubt. Along the way, he also struggles to get along with his other classmates, who mock him for his lack of talent and seriousness.

As Kevin progresses through the course, he faces challenges both in and out of the classroom. He finds himself in the middle of different action scenarios with various obstacles and challenges, from escaping an exploding building to chasing helicopters in a high-speed pursuit. As he battles his way through various action sequences, he becomes more confident in his abilities and even starts to gain the respect of his fellow students.

The show also explores the behind-the-scenes world of Hollywood, where Kevin deals with egotistical actors, demanding directors, and cutthroat producers. He also tries to balance his newfound success and fame with his family and friends, who are concerned that he’s losing touch with his roots.

Overall, Die Hart is a humorous and action-packed series that offers an insider’s look at the entertainment industry while bringing Kevin Hart’s signature comedic style to the role of an action hero.

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