Dick is a 1999 comedy film directed by Andrew Fleming. The movie follows the story of two teenage girls named Betsy Jobs (played by Kirsten Dunst) and Arlene Lorenzo (played by Michelle Williams), who accidentally stumble upon a door inside the White House during a class trip and end up meeting President Richard Nixon. Charmed by the young girls, Nixon offers them both a job as official dog walkers for his beloved pet Checkers.

Excited about their new job, Betsy and Arlene visit the White House frequently to walk and play with Checkers. However, one day they witness a nefarious meeting between Nixon and his advisors discussing the infamous Watergate scandal. Faced with a difficult decision, the girls must choose between their loyalty to the President or upholding the truth and protecting their country's democracy.

As they struggle to decide what to do, Betsy and Arlene secretly start to provide advice to Nixon on how to handle the crisis, inadvertently becoming the President's closest confidantes. The girls must navigate the scandal and their friendship with Nixon while attempting to keep their involvement a secret from their friends and families.

The film's quirky and absurd humor comes from the combination of modern-day teen slang and political drama. Dick is a satirical take on the Watergate scandal, showcasing Nixon's downfall through the eyes of two teenage girls who are more concerned with popularity and boys than politics. The film also features an all-star cast, including Dan Hedaya as Richard Nixon, Bruce McCulloch as Carl Bernstein, and Harry Shearer as G. Gordon Liddy.

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