Massage therapist Georgia is in a stagnant relationship with her long-term boyfriend, Jerry. They have lost the spark in their relationship and Georgia feels neglected by Jerry's lack of attention and intimacy. One day while scrolling through social media, Georgia comes across the concept of a "unicorn," a third partner who joins a couple for sexual exploration. Intrigued by the idea, Georgia decides to explore her own desires by becoming a unicorn and joining various couples.

As Georgia delves deeper into the world of unicorns, she finds that she enjoys being with both men and women and feels liberated by this newfound sexual freedom. However, her experiences soon become more dangerous, with some couples pushing her boundaries to the point where she feels uncomfortable. Georgia also turns to drugs to cope with the emotional toll that sexual experimentation can have.

Despite the warning signs, Georgia continues to seek out new partners and experiences. Eventually, she finds herself in a dangerous situation where she fears for her safety. Through a series of flashbacks, we see that Georgia's love for Jerry never truly faded and she realizes the danger she put herself in was not worth the temporary pleasure she experienced as a unicorn.

As the movie ends, Georgia comes to terms with her own sexuality and the choices she made and decides to rekindle her relationship with Jerry with a new appreciation for intimacy and honest communication.

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