Detective Knight: Rogue follows the story of James Knight, a tough and seasoned detective in Los Angeles. As Halloween approaches, a group of masked robbers commit a daring heist and critically wound Knight's partner in a shootout. Unwilling to let the criminals get away, Knight sets out to track them down and bring them to justice.

His pursuit takes him all the way to New York, where he must confront his dark past and face the consequences of his actions. Along the way, Knight meets a cast of characters, including a streetwise informant, a no-nonsense police captain, and a beautiful woman who may hold the key to his redemption.

As Knight races against time to find the ruthless bandits, he must also wrestle with his own demons. Can he overcome his past and find the inner strength to make things right? Or will his own mistakes and personal demons consume him?

Filled with action, suspense, and powerful drama, Detective Knight: Rogue is a thrilling ride through the dark underbelly of two of America's most iconic cities. With a standout performance by the lead actor and a gripping script, it's a film that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish.

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