Detective Conan: The Scarlet Bullet is a Japanese anime movie released in 2021. The film follows the story of high school detective Shinichi Kudo, also known as Conan Edogawa, who is attending the opening ceremony of the World Sports Games in Tokyo. The tournament is a prestigious event held once every four years, which attracts athletes and spectators from all over the world.

During the ceremony, it is announced that a revolutionary new transportation system, the world's first vacuum superconducting maglev with a maximum speed of 1,000 kilometers per hour, will open to the public. This new technology promises to revolutionize travel around the world, and is being hailed as a tremendous breakthrough.

However, the excitement of the event quickly turns to horror when a group of top executives from large companies, who were attending the party as WSG tournament sponsors, are kidnapped. Conan and his friends are drawn into the investigation as they seek to uncover the identity of the kidnapper and rescue the hostages.

As the investigation progresses, Conan realizes that there may be a connection with a similar abduction case that occurred 15 years ago in Boston, USA. He delves deeper into this past case to gather clues that could help him solve the current crime.

With the clock ticking, Conan and his team must race against time to unravel the complex web of clues and track down the kidnapper before it's too late. Along the way, they will face danger, intrigue, and unexpected twists as they strive to uncover the truth behind the Scarlet Bullet.

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