Detective Conan: The Raven Chaser is the thirteenth installment of the Detective Conan movie franchise. The movie starts with the Black Organization planning to smuggle a valuable antique known as "The Raven" out of Japan using a train. While investigating the case, Conan and his friends come across a new member of the organization named Shuichi Akai, who is known as the "Silver Bullet."

Shuichi Akai is investigating the Black Organization from the inside and learns about Shinichi's transformation into Conan. Knowing that Shinichi is still alive and hiding as Conan, Gin and the other members of the Black Organization start pursuing him. This puts those around Conan in danger, including Ran Mouri, Professor Agasa, and Detective Kogoro Mori.

As the story progresses, Conan and his friends work together to uncover the truth behind "The Raven" and the Black Organization's plan. They also try to protect those around them from the danger that the Organization poses.

The movie is packed with action, suspense, and drama as it builds towards its explosive climax. Overall, Detective Conan: The Raven Chaser is a thrilling addition to the franchise and is a must-watch for fans of the series.

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