Detective Conan: The Lost Ship in the Sky is a Japanese animated movie released in 2010. The story begins when a secret organization known as Red Siamese Cats bombs a high-security laboratory and claims to have stolen a deadly bacteria called APTX 4869. The Japan Self-Defense Force (JSDF) immediately launches a counterterrorism operation to retrieve the bacteria before it can be used as a biological weapon.

Detective Conan, a teenage detective who was transformed into a child after being poisoned, is invited by the JSDF to investigate the case. He is joined by his friends, the Junior Detective League, and an expert on bioterrorism, Dr. Shiho Miyano, who was formerly a member of the organization that created the APTX 4869.

The investigation leads to a high-tech airship called "The Bell Tree First" which is owned by the billionaire mogul, Kouji Azuma. However, the Red Siamese Cats hijack the airship and plan to use the bacteria to cause a pandemic and hold the world hostage. Detective Conan, Dr. Miyano, and the JSDF engage in a race against time to stop the terrorists and save the world from a catastrophic disaster.

During the climax, Detective Conan uncovers the true identity of the leader of the Red Siamese Cats, who was believed to be dead a decade ago. The movie combines thrilling action sequences with science-fiction elements, and the characters are well-developed with their unique personalities and roles in the story. Detective Conan: The Lost Ship in the Sky is a fast-paced and entertaining movie that keeps the audience engaged until the end.

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