The movie Detective Conan: Skyscraper on a Timer, also known as Case Closed: The Time-Bombed Skyscraper, is a Japanese animated film released in 1997. It is the first movie installment in the Detective Conan franchise and was directed by Kenji Kodama and produced by TMS Entertainment.

The story begins with Kogoro Mori and his detectives agency hired by a wealthy architect, Tachibana, to protect his latest building, the Bell Tree Tower, from a potential bombing. However, Tachibana is later found dead and Shinichi Kudo (the main protagonist), who had been invited to Tachibana's party, is knocked unconscious and drugged by a mysterious person.

Shinichi wakes up to find himself trapped in the top floor of the building, where he discovers that there are bombs planted all over the tower. The bomber contacts Shinichi and challenges him to find and disarm all the bombs within a certain time frame, or else the entire building will explode, killing everyone inside, including Ran Mouri (Shinichi's friend and love interest) who was attending the party in his place.

Shinichi starts to search for the bombs, with the help of Professor Agasa, his close friend and inventor. Along the way, he discovers that the bomber may have a personal motive for targeting Tachibana and the Bell Tree Tower. Meanwhile, Ran, who is still unaware of the ongoing crisis, is enjoying the party with her friends, oblivious to the danger that surrounds her.

As time passes, Shinichi uncovers more clues and starts to understand the bomber's true intentions. He also faces several near-death experiences and risks his own life to protect Ran and the other guests from harm. With the help of his deduction skills and quick thinking, Shinichi manages to locate and defuse all the bombs, just in time to prevent the skyscraper from exploding.

In the end, the culprit behind the bombings is revealed to be someone who had suffered a grave injustice at the hands of Tachibana, seeking revenge for the harm he had caused. The bomber is apprehended, and the building is saved, but not before Shinichi reveals his true identity to Ran, as a teenage detective who had been transformed into a child by a mysterious organization.

The movie is known for its thrilling action scenes, complex plot, and emotional moments, and has become a fan-favorite among Detective Conan fans.

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