Descent is an intense psychological thriller that tells the story of Maya, a college student who is brutally raped by a fellow student. Maya's life is shattered by the traumatic event, and she becomes withdrawn, struggling to rebuild her life.

As Maya tries to process her trauma, she begins to experience vivid and disturbing flashbacks of the assault. She becomes obsessed with finding her attacker and seeking revenge, and begins to spiral out of control.

Descent explores the devastating impact of sexual assault on survivors, and the complex emotions that victims often experience in its aftermath. As Maya delves deeper into her quest for revenge, she becomes increasingly unstable, sinking lower than her predator, and risking everything to get the justice she feels she deserves.

The film depicts the harrowing journey of a survivor as she struggles to reclaim her power and find a sense of closure in the face of unspeakable violence. It is a powerful, thought-provoking movie that tackles tough issues and explores the darker corners of the human psyche.

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