As the team of priests arrives at the remote convent where the nun, Sister Rebecca, resides, they quickly realize that there is something unusual happening there. Sister Rebecca insists that she has been visited by an angel who impregnated her with the child of God, and as her pregnancy progresses, she begins to exhibit unusual powers and abilities.

The team of priests, led by Father Thomas, must navigate the complex and delicate politics of the Vatican as they investigate Sister Rebecca's claims. They are especially concerned about the ancient prophecy that predicts the birth of twin boys, one of whom will be the Messiah and the other the Anti-Christ.

As the group delves deeper into their investigation, they encounter opposition from within the Vatican itself, as some fear that the birth of the Messiah could upset the balance of power within the Church. Meanwhile, Sister Rebecca's health deteriorates rapidly, and the team must race against time to unravel the mystery and discover the true nature of her miraculous pregnancy.

Ultimately, Deliver Us is a gripping thriller that explores questions of faith and power, and asks whether humanity is truly ready for the arrival of the Messiah.

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