The detective, named Jack, is a respected member of the police force with years of experience in solving complex cases. He is called in to investigate the death of a wealthy businessman who was found dead on the top of a mountain during a hiking expedition with his wife, Sarah.

Initially, Sarah appears distraught over her husband's death and cooperates fully with the investigation. However, as Jack delves deeper into the case, he starts uncovering inconsistencies in Sarah's statements and behavior. He becomes increasingly convinced that she may be involved in her husband's death.

As Jack works to build a case against Sarah, he finds himself struggling with his attraction to her. Despite his reservations, he finds himself drawn to her, and the two begin an illicit affair.

Meanwhile, Jack's colleagues become suspicious of his closeness to Sarah and his motives in the case. As the investigation spirals out of control, Jack realizes he must make a decision about whether to follow his heart or his duty to the law.

Decision to Leave is a gripping thriller that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the shocking conclusion. With stunning performances from its lead actors, this film explores the dark underbelly of desire and the lengths people will go to in order to get what they want.

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