Father John was just a simple man of faith until the night of the accident. While driving home from a church service, his car was struck by lightning, sending a surge of electricity through his body. Miraculously, he survived, but something had changed within him. His thoughts and feelings turned to anger and hatred, particularly towards the young people who listened to heavy metal music.

As he struggled to come to terms with his new reality, he began to suffer from strange and terrifying physical transformations. His body grew larger and stronger, his skin turning black and scaly. His eyes glowed with an otherworldly red light, and his fingers became jagged claws capable of tearing through flesh.

Retreating to a makeshift sanctuary in the basement of his church, Father John began to plot his revenge against the godless metalheads he believed were responsible for his transformation. He preyed on them in the shadows, striking fear into their hearts with his grisly attacks.

Meanwhile, a small group of metal fans banded together to fight back against this new threat to their way of life. Armed with nothing more than their love of music, they attempted to uncover the source of Father John's transformation and put a stop to his killing spree.

As tensions mounted and the body count rose, it became clear that only one side would emerge victorious in this epic battle between faith and fury. The fate of the metalheads hung in the balance as they fought for their right to rock on in the face of overwhelming darkness and horror.

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