Death of a Telemarketer is a 2020 comedy-drama film directed by Morteza Aleahmad and starring Lamont Ferguson, Jackie Goldston, and Nikoma DeMitro. The story centers around Nelson, a smooth-talking telemarketer who defrauds his customers by selling them bogus business opportunities. However, his luck runs out when he calls the wrong person, the straight-talking and quick-witted middle-aged woman named Val, who sees through his scam and challenges him on the phone.

Val, who is dealing with her own crisis in life, decides to play along with Nelson's con game and invites him to her home. When he arrives, Nelson discovers that Val is not alone, as her large extended family is gathered for a reunion. Val's stern but loving father, Carmelo, takes an instant dislike to Nelson and confronts him about his dishonesty. However, Nelson's charm and wit win over the other guests, and he begins to relax and enjoy himself.

Things take a turn when Val's young cousin, Miguel, overhears Nelson bragging about his schemes to his friend on the phone. The naive boy is impressed by Nelson's confidence and offers to be his apprentice. Nelson, seeing an opportunity to recruit a fresh mark and prolong his success, takes Miguel under his wing.

As the evening progresses, tension builds between Nelson and Carmelo, who warns him to stay away from his family. Nelson also begins to experience stomach cramps and takes medication that Val gives him, without realizing that it contains marijuana. The situation worsens when Miguel steals Nelson's phone and learns of his con game. The boy is angered by Nelson's betrayal of trust and decides to take matters into his own hands.

What follows is an entertaining and suspenseful clash between the cunning telemarketer and the savvy Italian patriarch, as they both seek to protect their interests and loved ones. With sharp dialogue, colorful characters, and unexpected twists, Death of a Telemarketer is a clever and engaging film with a moral lesson about the dangers of greed and dishonesty.

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