Dear Mother

Drama,Comedy  Belgium,France 

Dear Mother is a dramatic, thought-provoking movie directed by Paul D. Hannah and released in 2020. The story revolves around a middle-aged man, Jean-Louis (played by Brian White), who discovers one day that his heart has stopped beating. He can function normally, walk, talk, eat, and breathe, but his pulse is non-existent.

Anxious and bewildered, Jean-Louis confides in his wife, Anaïs (played by Erica Hubbard), who is equally puzzled by this strange phenomenon. They seek medical help, but none of the doctors can explain what has happened to Jean-Louis. One of his friends, Malik (played by Allen Maldonado), suggests that they visit a spiritual healer, who might have answers to their questions.

While exploring this mystical path, Jean-Louis begins to delve into his painful past and confront the unresolved issues that have been weighing him down. He discovers that his heart has stopped not because of a medical condition but because of emotional trauma.

Dear Mother is a movie that explores the transformative power of love and forgiveness. It takes viewers on a journey of self-discovery and healing, encouraging them to confront their fears and embrace their vulnerability. It reminds us that the heart is not just a physical organ but also an emotional center, and that true healing comes from within.

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