Deadbeat at Dawn is a 1988 action movie directed by Jim Van Bebber. The story revolves around Goose, a young man who is the leader of a violent gang called the Ravens. His girlfriend Christy is tired of the gang life and wants Goose to leave it behind. She convinces him to walk away from his criminal past and start anew. Goose finds a job at a construction site and tries to live a peaceful life.

However, things take a turn when the other members of the Ravens, including Goose's best friend Danny, start to push him to come back to the gang. The tensions between Goose and the Ravens come to a head when Christy is brutally murdered. Goose is devastated by her death and vows to take revenge, which leads to an all-out war between him and the Ravens.

Deadbeat at Dawn is praised for its gritty and realistic portrayal of gang life and the seedy underbelly of urban society. The movie is known for its use of practical effects, as well as its brutal and violent fight scenes. Jim Van Bebber wrote, directed, and starred in the movie, and it's considered to be a cult classic in the world of underground cinema.

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