Dead or Alive is a Japanese crime thriller film directed by Takashi Miike. The story centers around a power struggle between the Japanese underworld, led by the powerful Ryuichi (Riki Takeuchi), and the yakuza (Japanese mafia) who are trying to gain control of the Shinjuku district in Tokyo.

The film takes an unconventional approach to storytelling, with three veiled stories woven together throughout the movie. The first story follows Ryuichi and his small group of Triad gangsters as they attempt to take control of the Shinjuku quarter. The second story features a family man trying to accomplish one final heist before retiring. The third story follows a detective named Jojima (Show Aikawa) who is investigating the criminal underworld in an attempt to bring it down.

As the storylines interweave, the film becomes increasingly violent and over-the-top, culminating in a final showdown between Ryuichi and Jojima. The film features Miike's trademark hyper-stylized violence and gruesome effects, as well as his unique sense of humor. Despite being highly controversial upon its release, Dead or Alive has gone on to become a cult classic and cement Takashi Miike's status as a master of genre filmmaking.

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