Dead Heat is a cult classic horror-comedy film released in 1988. The film follows LAPD police officer Roger Mortis (played by Treat Williams) who is killed while attempting to arrest a group of robbers who are revealed to be zombies. After being brought back to life by his partner Doug Bigelow (played by Joe Piscopo) using an experimental "reanimation" technique, Mortis sets out to uncover the truth behind the zombie robbery ring.

As Mortis and Bigelow investigate the case, they discover that the zombies have been reanimated by the head of Dante Laboratories, a research facility that specializes in creating artificial life. The head of Dante Laboratories is using the zombies as part of an elaborate plan to dispose of his business partners and take control of the company. Mortis and Bigelow must stop the head of Dante Laboratories and prevent the zombies from causing further chaos in the city.

Throughout the film, Mortis and Bigelow encounter a number of eccentric characters, including a zombie named "Treat," who helps them in their investigation. The film combines horror, comedy, and action elements, with a number of over-the-top sequences including a car chase featuring a zombie-driven ice cream truck.

Dead Heat has gained a cult following over the years, with fans praising its unique blend of genres and its tongue-in-cheek humor. The film is considered a cult classic in the horror-comedy genre and has been praised for its practical effects and stunt work.

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