The movie Dead Before Dawn follows the misadventures of a group of college kids who accidentally unleash a deadly curse known as the "Cursed of the Demon" when they break into a mysterious shop owned by their eccentric grandfathers. Unaware of the power of the curse, they absentmindedly recite the curse and inadvertently create demonic zemons that wreak havoc on their town.

As the zemons multiply and infect more people, the college kids find themselves racing against time to find a way to break the curse and put an end to the mayhem. Along the way, they encounter a series of terrifying obstacles and challenges, including battling demon-possessed dogs and fighting off a possessed police officer.

Dead Before Dawn is a horror-comedy hybrid that blends humor with scares in equal measure. With a talented cast of up-and-coming actors and impressive special effects, the film delivers plenty of thrills and chills and is sure to satisfy fans of the horror genre.

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