DC Showcase: The Losers is an animated short film that was released in 2010. The film is based on a comic book created by Andy Diggle and Jock. The film is part of a series of animated short films produced by Warner Bros. Animation, and is included as a special feature on the Blu-ray and DVD release of Batman: Under the Red Hood.

The Losers are a team of World War II soldiers who are sent on a mission to retrieve a scientific device that has the ability to create a time/space anomaly. When the team arrives on an uncharted island in the South Pacific, they find themselves facing a group of heavily armed mercenaries, as well as a horde of deadly dinosaurs.

As they struggle to survive the dangerous situation they find themselves in, the team is helped by the mysterious and beautiful Fan Long of the Chinese Security Agency. Fan Long tells them that her mission is to also rescue the scientists who have been sent to study the anomaly. However, as the mission progresses, the team begins to suspect that there may be more to Fan Long's mission than she is letting on.

DC Showcase: The Losers features the voices of Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Sarge, Chris North as Captain Storm, and Jason Isaacs as Blackbeard, the leader of the mercenaries. The film was directed by Timm and Lauren Montgomery, and features a script by Darwyn Cooke.

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