DC Showcase: Sgt. Rock is a short animated movie that tells the story of a fictional World War II American sergeant named Frank Rock. The movie follows Sgt. Rock as he leads his infantry unit, Easy Company, through various missions and battles during the war.

The story begins with Sgt. Rock and his unit parachuting behind enemy lines in Nazi-occupied France. As they make their way through the French countryside, they encounter various obstacles and challenges, including Nazi soldiers, tanks, and artillery.

Despite the odds, Sgt. Rock and his men fight bravely and eventually succeed in their mission, which is to destroy a Nazi weapons factory. Along the way, they also rescue a group of French villagers who were being held captive by the Nazis.

As the war progresses, Sgt. Rock and Easy Company are sent on more dangerous and difficult missions, including a raid on a Nazi stronghold in Italy and a search-and-rescue mission in Germany.

Despite the challenges and casualties, Sgt. Rock and his men never give up and continue to fight for their country and their freedom. In the end, they are victorious and return home as heroes.

Overall, DC Showcase: Sgt. Rock is a thrilling and action-packed movie that pays tribute to the brave soldiers who fought in World War II. It is a must-watch for fans of war movies and anyone who appreciates the sacrifices made by our servicemen and women.

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