DC Showcase: Blue Beetle is an animated short film that follows the adventures of Ted Kord, who inherits his father's company, Kord Industries. Kord Industries is known for developing advanced weapons technology and Ted Kord uses his wealth and scientific knowledge to become the superhero Blue Beetle.

In the film, Blue Beetle teams up with fellow Charlton Comics heroes Captain Atom, The Question, and Nightshade to stop Doctor Spectro, a villain who has the ability to manipulate people's emotions. Doctor Spectro plans to use his powers to take control of the world, and it's up to the Blue Beetle and his team to stop him.

The film is set in the Silver Age of comics, and it features classic tropes of the era, such as colorful costumes and exaggerated dialogue. The animation is sleek and stylish, and it pays homage to the classic comic book art of the 1960s.

DC Showcase: Blue Beetle is part of a series of short films that showcase lesser-known DC Comics characters. The film was produced by Warner Bros. Animation and was released in 2010 as part of the Superman/Batman: Apocalypse DVD.

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