Day the World Ended is a classic science-fiction film, produced and directed by Roger Corman in 1955. The film is set in a post-apocalyptic world where a nuclear war has devastated the planet. It revolves around a group of survivors who band together to survive in the aftermath of a disaster.

The story begins with a nuclear holocaust that has wiped out most of the world's population. A handful of people in a remote valley have managed to survive, including Rick (Paul Birch), a gruff old survivalist, his daughter, Louise (Lori Nelson), and a few other people. The survivors soon find themselves besieged by a group of dangerous mutants who roam the countryside and threaten their lives.

Meanwhile, Tony (Richard Denning), a crook, and Ruby (Adele Jergens), his moll, have managed to escape the destruction of a nearby city and make their way to the valley. Tony is injured and needs medical attention, so they seek refuge in Rick's cabin. The survivors are initially suspicious of the newcomers, but soon realize that they need all the help they can get in order to survive.

The survivors soon have to contend with the effects of radiation on animal life, as well as the possibility that some of them may have been exposed to dangerous levels of radiation. Rick and the other survivors try to find a way to protect themselves from the radioactive fallout and the mutants, while also trying to find a way to escape the valley and get help.

The film is notable for its low-budget special effects and its use of stock footage from other films. Despite its limitations, however, Day the World Ended remains an entertaining and suspenseful thriller that explores the consequences of nuclear war and the resilience of the human spirit in times of crisis.

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