Day & Night is a short animated film produced by Pixar Animation Studios in 2010. Directed by Teddy Newton, the film features two characters named Day and Night who represent the different aspects of the day and night.

Day is a sunny and cheerful character, while Night is a mysterious and moody character. The two characters meet in a surreal landscape and are initially fearful and suspicious of each other. However, as they learn more about each other, they begin to appreciate each other's unique qualities and perspectives.

The film uses a blend of traditional and computer-generated animation, with Day and Night portrayed as 2D cutout figures that interact in a 3D environment. The film also features a highly imaginative and creative visual style, which showcases the beauty and wonder of the world around us.

Day & Night received critical acclaim for its innovative storytelling and stunning visuals. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film and won the Annie Award for Best Animated Short Subject. The film has since become a fan favorite and is often cited as one of Pixar's most creative and original works.

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