Daughter of Mine is an Italian drama film directed by Laura Bispuri. The story revolves around a 10-year-old girl named Vittoria, who has been raised by the loving and nurturing Tina in a rural Sardinian town. However, Vittoria's life takes a dramatic turn when she learns that the woman she has always believed was her biological mother is actually her adoptive mother.

Vittoria's biological mother is Angelica, a young and reckless woman who left her baby behind to pursue her own dreams. When Angelica returns to Sardinia, she immediately connects with Vittoria and claims her back, much to Tina's dismay. As Vittoria struggles to choose between the two women who claim to be her mother, she begins to realize the complexities of the relationships between mothers and daughters.

Throughout the film, viewers are taken on a journey of emotional turmoil as Vittoria tries to understand the truth about her past and navigate the conflicting emotions of the women in her life. While both Tina and Angelica have their own flaws and shortcomings, they both share a deep love for Vittoria and her well-being.

Ultimately, Daughter of Mine is a powerful exploration of the complexities of family relationships, the challenges of motherhood, and the universal desire for love and belonging. The impressive performances of the cast, particularly newcomer Sara Casu as Vittoria, bring a raw, emotional authenticity to the story.

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