Darling Companion is a 2012 American comedy-drama film directed by Lawrence Kasdan and stars Diane Keaton and Kevin Kline in the lead roles. The story revolves around Beth Winter (Keaton), a woman who loves her dog, Freeway, more than her husband, Joseph (Kline).

The movie begins with Beth rescuing Freeway, a stray dog, from the side of the road. She takes him home and decides to keep him, much to the dismay of her husband Joseph, who is a spine surgeon and has little love for animals. Over time, Beth's affection for Freeway grows, and she becomes inseparable from him, even taking him on her trips.

However, on a family vacation in the Colorado mountains, Joseph loses Freeway while walking him in the woods. Despite their best efforts, they are unable to find him and return home with a broken heart. However, Beth refuses to give up and takes the help of a motley crew of characters, including a sensitive priest, a lovelorn vet, a psychic and a handsome dog tracker, to find her beloved dog.

Throughout the course of the movie, the search for Freeway brings the couple and their family members closer together, and they learn to appreciate each other's differences and the importance of love and companionship. The story is a heartwarming tale of a woman's love for her dog and the journey she undertakes to find him.

In conclusion, Darling Companion is a charming movie that explores the themes of love, loss, and the importance of relationships in life. It has a talented cast, and the film's unique plot, humor, and heartfelt moments make it an enjoyable watch.

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