Darkness Visible is a British-Indian thriller film directed by Neil Biswas and starring Jaz Deol and Sayani Gupta. The story follows Ronnie, a London-raised Indian who returns to his homeland after his mother's death. As he investigates the circumstances surrounding her mysterious passing, he uncovers a string of murders with eerie similarities to his mother's death.

As the investigation progresses, Ronnie's own inner demons begin to surface, and he realizes that his own dark past may be connected to the murders. The plot takes various twists and turns, and Ronnie must confront his own past to solve the case and bring the killer to justice.

The film's themes explore the twisted consequences of suppressing the truth, the dangers of repressed memories, and the impact of trauma on one's mental health. It also takes a critical look at India's patriarchal society and the impact it has on women and their safety.

Darkness Visible is a haunting and suspenseful psychological thriller that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats until the very end. It received critical acclaim for its dark and thought-provoking themes, gripping plot, and memorable performances by the cast.

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