The story of Dark Moon Rising centers around a young woman named Amy, who lives in a small town in the American Southwest. Unbeknownst to her, she is the reincarnation of a powerful werewolf queen who is reborn once every 2000 years.

When a group of shape-shifting werewolves arrives in town, they immediately sense Amy's presence and set out to find her. Their leader, a fierce warrior named Gabriel, believes that Amy holds the key to their survival - a secret that was lost when their ancient civilization was destroyed centuries ago.

As the werewolves close in on Amy, she finds a protector in a mysterious drifter named Dan, who has his own secrets and abilities. Together, they must outrun the werewolves and unlock the secrets of Amy's past before it's too late.

As the battle between the werewolves and the humans of the town escalates, it becomes clear that there can be no peaceful resolution. The choice is simple: either Amy must join forces with the werewolves and embrace her destiny, or risk the destruction of everything she knows and loves.

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