Dark Feed

Horror  United States of America 

Dark Feed is a horror film directed by Michael Rasmussen and Shawn Rasmussen, known for their work on The Ward and John Carpenter's The Masters of Horror. The film follows a film crew consisting of a director, producer, cinematographer, and actors who move into a desolate and abandoned psychiatric hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, to shoot a low-budget horror movie.

As they begin to explore the building, they discover that it's in a state of disrepair, with rotting walls, leaking pipes, and flickering lights. Despite the decrepit state of the building, the crew members are excited about the possibility of capturing a genuinely terrifying horror movie. However, as the days wear on, the crew members start to exhibit erratic and bizarre behavior, much to the alarm of their fellow crew members.

As the crew descends into madness, they begin experiencing strange visions and inexplicable happenings in the hospital that seem to be coming from a malevolent force lurking in the shadows. The building that was once just a decrepit structure slowly starts coming to life, feeding off the fear and anxiety of the crew.

The movie's chilling ending leaves viewers wondering whether any of the crew members will make it out alive and what happened to the hospital in the first place. Dark Feed takes a unique approach to horror filmmaking, utilizing the behind-the-scenes aspect of moviemaking to create a suspenseful and creepy atmosphere.

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