Cursed is a horror-comedy film directed by Wes Craven, starring Christina Ricci, Jesse Eisenberg, and Joshua Jackson. The story revolves around Ellie, a production assistant, and her brother, Jimmy, a struggling student, who get into a car accident with a vicious animal on their way home from a nightclub. After the incident, they begin to feel strange and realize they were attacked by a werewolf.

As they try to cope with their new cursed lives, they meet a famous television journalist, Jake, who is also a victim of the same fate. Together, they embark on a mission to track down the elusive werewolf and kill it to break the curse.

Throughout the film, the trio must navigate through their personal and professional lives while also battling their newfound animalistic tendencies. They discover that the werewolf is closer to them than they think, and their mission becomes a race against time to save themselves and stop the creature before it wreaks more havoc.

The film features an all-star cast, including Judy Greer, Milo Ventimiglia, and Portia de Rossi, and blends horror and humor to create a unique take on the werewolf genre. Although it received mixed reviews upon its release, Cursed has since gained a cult following and is regarded as a fun and entertaining horror-comedy.

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