Curse II: The Bite is a horror film that was released in 1989. The film follows a young man named Clark who is on a camping trip with his girlfriend and some friends. While hiking, Clark is bitten on the hand by a radioactive snake. The bite transforms his hand into a lethal snake head that attacks anyone who comes into contact with it. He also begins to feel strange and discovers that his body is filling up with live snakes.

Clark becomes increasingly horrified as he realizes that he has no control over his deadly new power and must find a way to stop himself from hurting others. Along the way, he encounters a group of snake-handlers who try to help him, but they are ultimately unable to stop his body from transforming into a giant snake.

The film is a sequel to the 1986 horror film The Curse, but aside from the title, the two films share no plot or characters. Curse II: The Bite is known for its bizarre and gruesome special effects, as well as its numerous scenes of violent snake attacks. Despite mixed reviews from critics, the film has developed a cult following among horror fans over the years.

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