Curfew is a 2012 American drama film written and directed by Shawn Christensen. It follows Richie, a young man played by Christensen, as he is tasked with taking care of his niece Sophia (Fatima Ptacek) for a night. However, the night takes a turn when Richie's estranged sister calls and asks him to go on a crime spree with her and her boyfriend.

The film also follows two escaped death row inmates, Isaac (Danilo Ramirez) and his brother Raymond (Brian Petsos), as they seek revenge on those who sentenced them to death row. Among their targets are the doctor (Reg E. Cathey) who testified against them and the judge (Bill Raymond) who sentenced them.

Throughout the film, the two storylines intersect and ultimately come to a head when Richie and Sophia become involved in Isaac and Raymond's plan for revenge against the district attorney (Paul Sparks) and his family.

Curfew won the Academy Award for Best Live Action Short Film in 2013, and later served as the basis for Christensen's feature-length film Before I Disappear.

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