Cube is a Canadian science fiction horror film directed by Vincenzo Natali and released in 1997. The film has a runtime of 90 minutes and received critical acclaim for its unique concept, direction, and storytelling.

The film revolves around a group of six strangers who wake up in a perplexing maze-like structure made up of thousands of identical, interlocking cubes. Each room in the cube has a hatch on each of its six faces, leading to other cubes and chambers, with no idea of how they got there or why they are there.

As they begin to explore the structure, they find that each room they enter is booby-trapped with lethal traps and obstacles. As they try to make sense of their situation and find a way out of the Cube, the group must work together to solve the puzzles and avoid deadly traps.

The group is made up of different individuals from various backgrounds, personalities, and temperaments. There is Quentin, a policeman who takes charge; Holloway, a medical technician who displays remorse over the government's creation of the Cube; Worth, a withdrawn man with a penchant for calculating numbers; Leaven, a young mathematician with a talent for solving puzzles; Kazan, a man with autism who is the only one who appears to know the pattern of rooms; and Rennes, a convict who has escaped from prison.

The film explores themes of human nature, survival instincts, government control, and human experimentation. It keeps the audience on edge with its suspenseful and tense sequences, and the unpredictable nature of the cube keeps the audience guessing until the very end.

Overall, Cube is a fascinating and thought-provoking film that ventures into a unique sub-genre of science fiction and horror, with a modest budget and remarkable execution that has become a cult classic for fans of the genre.

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