Cuban Food Stories is a documentary film directed by Asori Soto and released in 2018. The film documents Soto's journey across Cuba, visiting various cities and towns to sample traditional, home-cooked Cuban cuisine. Soto was born and raised in Cuba but left the country to live in the United States, where he became a chef. He returned to Cuba after ten years to reconnect with his roots and rediscover the flavors of his childhood.

The film is divided into several chapters, each focusing on a particular region of Cuba and its unique culinary traditions. Soto meets with local chefs, farmers, and food artisans, learning about their techniques and gathering ingredients to cook traditional recipes. The film also explores the cultural significance of food in Cuba, with interviews and discussions on topics such as food as a means of social expression, the relationship between food and politics, and the importance of preserving culinary traditions.

Throughout the film, Soto reflects on the impact of history and politics on Cuban cuisine. He revisits places from his childhood, like the sugar mills that used to be the backbone of the Cuban economy, and talks to people who remember the days of rationing and food shortages after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Despite these challenges, Soto finds a resilience and creative spirit in the people he meets, who continue to find joy and comfort in their traditional foods.

Cuban Food Stories has been praised for its beautiful cinematography and engaging storytelling, as well as its celebration of a cultural heritage at risk of being lost. The film provides an intimate and vivid portrait of a place and its people through the lens of food, highlighting the importance of culinary traditions in shaping our understanding of identity and history.

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