Crystal Fairy & the Magical Cactus is a 2013 independent comedy-drama film directed by Sebastián Silva. The movie stars Michael Cera as Jamie, the boorish protagonist of the story, who is on a trip to Chile with his friends, Champa, Pilo, and Lel, to try the San Pedro cactus, a powerful hallucinogen known for inducing spiritual experiences.

At a party, Jamie meets a free-spirited woman named Crystal Fairy, played by Gaby Hoffmann, and invites her along on their trip without consulting his friends. The group sets off on their journey, and tensions quickly rise between Jamie and Crystal Fairy, as her hippie lifestyle clashes with Jamie's crude behavior.

As they travel north, the group encounters a range of obstacles and setbacks. Along the way, they also discover the beauty of the Chilean landscape and the spirituality of the San Pedro cactus. Ultimately, the trip turns out to be a transformative experience for all involved, as Jamie learns to appreciate the importance of mindfulness and self-reflection.

The film received positive reviews for its exploration of spiritual themes and its blend of comedy and drama. The performances of Cera and Hoffmann were particularly praised, with Hoffmann's portrayal of the enigmatic Crystal Fairy earning her critical acclaim. Overall, Crystal Fairy & the Magical Cactus is a quirky and engaging indie film that offers a unique look at the transformative power of psychedelics.

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