Cryptozoo is an animated film directed and written by Dash Shaw. It revolves around a team of cryptozookeepers who aim to capture a Baku - a dream-eating mythical creature. The team includes Lauren Gray, a confident and capable woman who is in charge of the zoo. She is joined by Phoebe, her girlfriend and an artist. They team up with Nicko, an enigmatic man who can communicate with the creatures they're trying to capture.

The team's mission becomes complicated when they discover the true significance of the creatures they hunt. They realize that these creatures are not only rare but also sacred and powerful. They are beings that can shift the balance between humanity and the unseen world.

Lauren must decide whether to display these animals or keep them hidden and preserve their sanctity. She struggles to choose between the people who want to exploit the creatures for financial gain and those who wish to protect them from the harm that may befall the creatures.

Cryptozoo is a tale that explores themes of power, identity, and the human relationship with the natural world. The film features stunning animation that showcases the fantastical creatures they encounter on their journey. The characters' interactions are complex and nuanced, making the audience question which side they would be on. Is it right to keep these creatures hidden, or should they be displayed for the world to see? Ultimately, the film leaves this decision to the audience to ponder.

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