The movie Crush follows the story of a high school student who is an aspiring artist and has a crush on another girl from her school. However, one day she is forced to join the school's track team, and she sees it as an opportunity to get closer to her crush. As she spends more time with her crush, she starts to develop feelings for another teammate named Jesse, who she did not expect to fall for.

As the story progresses, she becomes torn between her feelings for her crush and her unexpected attraction to Jesse. She starts to question herself and her sexuality, unsure of how to navigate her newfound emotions. In the end, she learns what real love feels like and embraces who she truly is, embracing all of the complexities that come along with it.

Throughout the movie, there are themes of self-discovery, friendship, and the challenges of teenage romance. It is a coming-of-age story that explores the struggles and triumphs of first love.

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