"Cruel Story of Youth" is a 1960 film directed by Nagisa Oshima. The movie centers around a young couple named Makoto and Yoko. Makoto is a streetwise, cocky teenager who runs a small gang and has a reputation for brazenly stealing from the rich. Yoko is a carefree, adventurous girl who hitchhikes across Japan for fun.

The two meet by chance and quickly fall in love. Yoko is intrigued by Makoto's dangerous lifestyle, while Makoto sees Yoko as a means to expand his criminal enterprise. They team up to rob wealthy middle-aged men, with Yoko hitchhiking and luring the victims while Makoto robs them at gunpoint.

Their first victim is a successful businessman named Ito, who ends up falling for Yoko and begins a tumultuous affair with her. Makoto is initially annoyed by Yoko's relationship with Ito, but soon realizes that he can use the affair to his advantage. He manipulates Yoko into continuing her relationship with Ito while still robbing him.

As their criminal enterprise grows more ambitious and violent, the relationship between Makoto and Yoko becomes increasingly strained. Makoto becomes more ruthless and controlling, while Yoko yearns for freedom and a more meaningful existence. The tension between them eventually reaches a boiling point, leading to a tragic and brutal conclusion.

"Cruel Story of Youth" is an unflinching, often brutal examination of youth culture, sexuality, and violence in 1960s Japan. The film was controversial at the time of its release for its frank portrayal of sexual content and violence, but has since come to be regarded as a masterpiece of Japanese cinema.

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