
Drama,Horror,Thriller  Mexico 

The alchemist, known as Fulcanelli, spent his whole life searching for the secret to eternal life. He discovered the Cronos device, a small golden machine that is activated by a unique combination of a key and a special serum. When the device pierces the skin, it releases the serum, which transforms the human body, granting the user eternal youth.

After Fulcanelli's death, the Cronos device was lost, until an antiques dealer named Jesus Gris finds it hidden in a strange statue in his store. He accidentally activates the device, and soon discovers that he has gained incredible strength and agility and has ceased to age.

However, Jesus's newfound power is not without a cost. His thirst for blood grows as his body rejects the serum and he struggles to control his growing addiction. On top of this, he catches the attention of Angel de la Guardia, a wealthy man whose family has hunted the Cronos device for generations, as he believes it will provide him with the life he desires. Angel's pursuit of the device leads to a violent and bloody confrontation, leaving Jesus to question the true cost of eternal life.

Directed by Guillermo del Toro, Cronos is a haunting and atmospheric film that explores the themes of eternal life, addiction and the consequences of power. The movie was released in 1993 and won numerous awards, including the International Critics' Week Grand Prize at Cannes Film Festival.

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