Crimes of Passion is a 1984 American erotic thriller film directed by Ken Russell. The film stars Kathleen Turner as Joanna Crane, a fashion designer who leads a double life as a high-class prostitute named China Blue. Anthony Perkins plays Bobby Grady, a private detective hired by Joanna's boss to follow her and gather evidence of her spying on their company. However, as Bobby begins to understand Joanna's complicated life, he finds himself falling in love with her.

At the same time, a crazed street preacher (played by John Laughlin) has become obsessed with China Blue and is determined to "cleanse" her of her sinful ways. His twisted morality and violent actions put Joanna in danger, and she must rely on Bobby to keep her safe.

The film has been noted for its controversial subject matter and graphic sexual content, which includes several explicit scenes between Turner and co-star John Laughlin. It also features a memorable performance by Perkins, who had previously gained fame in Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho.

Despite mixed reviews upon its release, Crimes of Passion has since gained a cult following for its daring style and boundary-pushing themes.

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