As the war between Donald and Chip 'n Dale intensifies, the mischievous chipmunks decide to take their revenge by sabotaging Donald's beloved penny-farthing bicycle. They tamper with the wheels, causing Donald to lose control and crash into a tree. Undeterred, Donald vows to outwit his adversaries.

Meanwhile, Daisy, concerned about the ongoing feud, decides to intervene and bring peace between Donald and the chipmunks. She invites both parties to a friendly tea party, hoping that a calm and pleasant environment will mend their differences.

At the tea party, Donald and the chipmunks initially remain hostile, refusing to budge from their positions. However, Daisy's charm and earnest pleas gradually melt their hearts. They begin to realize that their constant fighting and pranks serve no purpose but to escalate the conflict further.

With Daisy's gentle guidance, Donald and the chipmunks agree to a truce. They shake hands and make a pact to foster friendship and cooperation instead of waging war. As a symbol of their newfound understanding, they finish their tea and engage in a friendly game of cards.

In the following days, Donald, Chip, and Dale work together on various projects, finding common ground and realizing the benefits of collaboration. They repair Donald's bicycle, transforming it into a more durable and efficient mode of transportation.

Word of their reconciled relationship spreads throughout the town, garnering praise and admiration from the community. The townsfolk applaud their newfound sense of harmony and celebrate their union in a grand street parade.

Ultimately, the conflict between Donald and Chip 'n Dale becomes a lesson in understanding, forgiveness, and the power of friendship. The movie concludes with Donald and Daisy riding their repaired bicycle, with Chip and Dale riding alongside them, symbolizing their genuine bond and the triumph of amity over hostility.

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