Coyote Creek Christmas is a heartwarming holiday movie that follows Jenny Taylor, an ambitious event planner who runs her family's inn in the small town of Coyote Creek. With Christmas just around the corner, Jenny decides to host a "Christmas Around the World" party, inviting guests from different cultures to share their traditions and customs.

However, when a charming father-son duo, Miguel and Carlos, arrive at the inn, tensions rise as some of the locals express their objections to the presence of non-locals. Undeterred, Jenny decides to welcome Miguel and Carlos with open arms and learns about their Mexican traditions and holiday celebrations.

As the preparation for the party and the Christmas celebrations continue, Jenny and Miguel start to develop a close friendship, and Carlos helps out around the inn, from cooking to decorating. However, as the big day arrives, unexpected events and tensions arise, and Jenny starts to wonder if she can pull off the party and make everyone happy.

As the night progresses, the magic of Christmas ultimately prevails, bringing everyone together and creating a lovely atmosphere of peace and joy. Jenny and Miguel share a romantic moment, and Carlos' sweet and caring demeanor touches everyone's hearts.

In the end, Coyote Creek Christmas celebrates diversity, love, and the magic of Christmas, reminding us that even when faced with challenges, compassion and kindness always win.

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