The movie COVID-21: Lethal Virus is a sci-fi thriller that takes place in a future where climate change has caused significant damage to the planet, leading to a melting of ice caps and glaciers. In the process of melting, an ancient virus is released from the Antarctica ice, causing a worldwide pandemic.

The virus is a rabies-like disease that spreads through animals and humans alike, causing severe aggression, convulsions, and ultimately death. As the pandemic spreads, the world's governments are in chaos, struggling to contain the outbreak while also hiding the full extent of the virus's devastation from the public.

The main character of the story is a brilliant female scientist named Brooke (played by Christiana Chaiwanna), who has been working tirelessly to find a cure for the virus. The only hope of saving the world lies in finding a way to create a cure, and Brooke is determined to make it happen.

To do so, Brooke must journey to a top-secret government laboratory, where she can work on developing a cure. Along the way, she is joined by a team of protectors, including an eccentric survivalist named Frack (played by Ramon Álvarez), and two members of the special forces, Lt. Solis (played by Lee Partridge) and Sgt. Tom (played by Dustin Ardine).

Their journey to the lab takes them through dangerous territory, filled with infected animals and rogue government agents who will stop at nothing to keep Brooke's research from being disseminated to the public. With time running out, Brooke and her team must work together to overcome incredible obstacles and develop a cure before it's too late.

As they approach their destination, they discover that the true nature of the virus is far more ominous than they ever could have imagined. Brooke must race against time to save the world while battling the forces that seek to stop her from doing so. The film is a thrilling ride through a world on the brink of destruction, with high stakes and and tense action that keeps the audience on the edge of their seat until the very end.

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