
Drama  New Zealand 

Cousins is a 2021 New Zealand drama film directed by Ainsley Gardiner and Briar Grace-Smith. The film is based on the novel "Cousins" by Patricia Grace and revolves around the story of three Māori cousins, Mata, Missy, and Makareta, who reunite after years of separation.

The movie starts with the story of Mata, who is orphaned at a young age and spends her childhood in loneliness and confusion. She believes that she has no family and grows up without any connection to her ancestors and culture. On the other hand, Makareta, one of the cousins, leaves her home to study law in Auckland and later in London. She breaks her engagement with a wealthy Māori man and decides to dedicate her life to the search for her missing cousin.

While Makareta is away, Missy takes on the role of a caretaker of her ancestral land, which faces the threat of being taken over by developers. She is the only one who has a deep understanding of the connection between the land and her family's legacy. With time, the women face numerous challenges and hurdles that test their strength and resilience, but they remain committed to finding their lost cousin and saving their land.

The film is beautifully shot, with stunning landscapes and mesmerizing cinematography. The performances of the lead actors, played by Rachel House, Chelsie Preston Crayford, and Miriama Smith, are outstanding, and they bring their characters to life with depth and authenticity.

Overall, Cousins is a heartwarming and powerful film that explores the themes of family, identity, and connection to the land. It's a must-watch for anyone who appreciates compelling storytelling and has an interest in Māori culture and history.

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