Countess Dracula

Horror  United Kingdom 

The movie Countess Dracula is set in 17th century Hungary and follows the story of the infamous Countess Elizabeth Bathory, who is played by Ingrid Pitt. Bathory is an aging widow who is desperate to regain her youthful beauty and seduce a handsome young Hussar named Imre Toth.

One day, Bathory discovers that the blood of young virgins has a rejuvenating effect on her skin. She becomes obsessed with this idea and starts murdering young peasant girls in her castle. With the help of her loyal servant, Captain Dobi, Bathory starts a reign of terror in the surrounding villages.

To conceal her crimes, Bathory impersonates her own maid and takes on a new identity. She also starts to wear the blood of her victims as a beauty treatment and believes that she has found the key to eternal youth.

However, things start to go wrong for Bathory when Toth becomes suspicious of her behavior and starts investigating the disappearances of the village girls. Bathory must resort to more extreme measures to keep her secret, including killing her own daughter.

In the end, Bathory is caught by the authorities and is walled up in her castle as punishment for her crimes. The movie ends with Toth leaving the castle, traumatized by the horrors he has witnessed.

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