Cosmopolis is a 2012 drama film directed by David Cronenberg and based on the novel of the same name by Don DeLillo. The film follows Eric Packer (played by Robert Pattinson), a young and wealthy asset manager who embarks on a journey across Manhattan in a stretch limousine to get a haircut. Along the way, he encounters several individuals who challenge his lifestyle and worldviews, including his wife, employees, and protesters who are rioting in the streets.

As Packer's limo inches closer to his destination, his life begins to unravel and he confronts his own mortality. He receives news that his financial empire is collapsing, his marriage is falling apart, and he is being targeted by a former employee who wants to assassinate him.

The film is a commentary on the excess and detachment of the wealthy elite, as well as the societal tensions and unrest that can arise from such inequality. Pattinson delivers a nuanced performance as the troubled protagonist, and the film's visuals and score create a tense and surreal atmosphere. Overall, Cosmopolis is a gripping and thought-provoking film that explores complex themes and ideas.

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